Think Big. Start Small. Scale Fast.

Will the Metaverse radically transform your business over the next few years? Is the answer to your increasingly fragile customer relevance to move from being less format-centric to thinking about your operating system as more of a platform? Would a radical...

The Price of Waiting

It’s pretty easy to calculate the cost of taking action. When we contemplate a new investment we tally up the capital and operating expenses, prepare our cash flow analysis and try to account for the risk of pulling the trigger. Harder, but often far more...
My Name is VUCA

My Name is VUCA

Perhaps you know about VUCA? It’s an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.  While it has its origins in military strategy, it is very much an apt description of the dynamic, often chaotic, world of retail today. And if...
Always. Be. Testing.

Always. Be. Testing.

Will the Metaverse completely transform your company? Hard to say. Would the response rates (and ultimately the profitable enrollment) of your prospective high value customers be improved through increased personalization? Perhaps. Can a more tailored, hybrid...